檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1687576
 ~HGS~柔柔 的日記本
回來了喔~~ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 有關我的16樣人和事~~
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: 你在許多方面如此有福
作者: ~HGS~柔柔 日期: 2009.04.01  天氣:  心情:
If you woke up this morning 若你早晨醒來
with more health than illness, 擁有的健康大於不適
you are more blessed than the 比百萬行將就木之人
million who won t survive the week. 你更有福氣。

If you have never experienced 若你從未經歷過
the danger of battle, 戰役的危險,
the loneliness of imprisonment, 鐵窗後的孤寂
the agony of torture or 被凌虐的痛苦,或是
the pangs of starvation, 飢餓的折磨
you are ahead of 20 million peop le 你超前了
around the world. 全球2千萬人

If you attend a church meeting 若你參加教堂聚會
without fear of harassment, 無需害怕騷擾、
arrest, torture, or death, 被捕、凌虐、或死亡,
you are more blessed than almost 你的福氣比起幾乎
three billion people in the world. 30億人更有福氣

If you have food in your refrigerator,若你冰箱有食物
clothes on your back, a roof over 身上有衣服、頭上
your head and a place to sleep,有屋頂、有地方可睡
you are richer than 75% of this world.你比全球3/4人口富有

If you have money in the bank, 若你銀行帳戶中有錢
in your wallet, and spare change 皮夾中有錢、剩下
in a dish someplace, you are among零錢做小費,你
the top 8% of the world s wealthy. 是全球前8%富人

If your parents are still married and alive, 若雙親
you are very rare, 仍相守且健在,你是稀有的
especially in the United States.特別若是在美國

If you hold up your head with a smile 若你抬頭微笑
on yo ur face and are truly thankful, 且真誠感恩
you are blessed because the majority can,你有福因為
but most do not.! 多數人可以抬頭微笑卻不這麼做

If you can hold someone s hand, hug them 若你可以握某人的手、擁抱他們、或甚至拍拍
or even touch them on the shoulder,他們肩膀
you are blessed because you can 你有福因你能
offer God s healing touch. 施予上主療癒的撫觸

If you can read this message, 若你能閱讀這篇文字
you are more blessed than over 你比20億人有福
two billion people in the world 他們
that can not read anything at all. 完全不識字

You are so blessed in ways 你在許多方面如此有福
you may never even know.你可能永遠無法細察
瀏覽次數:149    人氣指數:2929    累積鼓勵:139
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