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 Van’s 的日記本
2011 to 2012 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Tragedies…
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篇名: DTS
作者: Van’s 日期: 2012.01.08  天氣:  心情:
I hope everyone had a very peaceful Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Just want to update with my current status…

I have been working with in manufacturing Digital-to-Screen systems right after the Christmas day, we have been working 14 days non-stop to assemble more DTS. We have sold more than six systems right before the Christmas and two more after the New Year. It seemed to me every business tried to maximize the tax write off benefits for the year of 2011.

Normally, we only have the capacity to produce at rate of one system pre month. But, now we have eight systems on backorders. I have to admit that our exceptional computerized screening system have made a technology revolution in traditional textile printing industrial.
瀏覽次數:115    人氣指數:915    累積鼓勵:40
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2011 to 2012 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Tragedies…
時間:2012-01-09 13:36
她, 99歲,San Francisco,醫療
時間:2012-01-09 01:36
她, 99歲,San Francisco,醫療
