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篇名: Tragedies…
作者: Van’s 日期: 2012.01.08  天氣:  心情:
Two tragedies…

Why life has been always unfair to the innocent one?

Larry, our business partner will be attending his 17 years old niece’s funeral tomorrow. It was a horrific murder tragedy, she was found dead in her bedroom a couple days ago. Los Angeles police is still unable to identify the murder suspect from the crime scene investigation and autopsy evidences. It is a very painful feeling with the sudden death in the family; especially that Larry has been watching his lovely niece growing up. I can feel his painful emotion from his helpless voice and sad facial expression yesterday at work.

Pat, our French Canadian software developer was returning my call on late Friday afternoon. While we were discussing one of the technical issues, our telephone conversation was interrupted by his brother’s telephone call from Toronto, Canada. Pat and his wife spent the Christmas and New Year long holiday vacation with his family in Canada. Pat has just returned back to work on Friday. A couple hours later on, he called me back to inform me that he was already in the car, on his way rush back to Toronto, Canada. His 20 years old nephew has just killed himself without any apparent reason. They were playing 21 black jacks card game during the New Year eve, and he was in very joyful spirit to celebrate the holiday with the family. It was certainly a shocking sad tragedy to entire of his family.

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DTS 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 不公平的人生
時間:2012-01-09 01:39
她, 99歲,San Francisco,醫療
